You know, I think I have some really good designs. But promoting them in the marketplace, that's hard work! Treading the fine line between legitimate promotion and spamming is incredibly difficult. I want to shout to the world, "Look! These are cool! You will like them!" But if I push too hard, I'll be (rightly) labeled a scummy spammer.
Hence this blog, reciprocal agreements with other designers who are also in the same spot I am, and today, reupping my old address. See, I was in business for myself for years as a graphic designer, before Zazzle. But with the economy sinking, so did my business. So I let my address go. And it was scooped up by domain name pirates. Instead of trying to deal with them, I went for the *.net name.
All this makes my head hurt and I find a lot of it incredibly confusing. It's also annoying to be spending so much time doing this kind of infrastructure work instead of what I really want to do, which is design. I have so many ideas and even though I'm not working I still seem to have so little time to actually do what I like best.
I know, I know, bitch, bitch, bitch. Oh well, I'm done for the day anyway. Time to take Pinhead and Crazydobe to the training building!